Includes activities such as group work and personal journaling to strengthen the coaching presence along with ICF competencies.
The Deepening Program in Coaching Competencies provides in-depth technical learning on competencies numbered 3-4-5-6-7 and 8 within the list of ICF competencies for Professional Coaches. It enables coaches undergoing the credentialing process to apply the evaluation criteria set by ICF more comprehensively and enhances insight during coaching sessions. The program adopts a hybrid approach, incorporating activities such as mindfulness practices, individual and group exercises, and personal journaling alongside competency learning to enable coaches to utilize their coaching presence and intuition more effectively.
Coaches who have received basic coach training from ICF-approved ACTP or ACSTH Coaching Schools (minimum 60 hours), Coaches preparing to renew their ICF credentials, Coaches preparing for the ICF credentialing exam, Coaches who want to learn and reinforce new ICF competencies, Coaches who want to recall and deepen their practice of competencies, Coaches who want to keep themselves on track in their coaching journey can participate.
The Deepening Program in Coaching Competencies offers 40 CCE credits. The distribution of the 40 CCE credits is as follows:
The program lasts a total of 3 full days and is completed within approximately 8 weeks, consisting of 2 full days and 2 half days.
Full-day trainings will provide learning based on ICF Competencies, while in the half-day follow-up sessions, practical exercises will be conducted focusing on mental tranquility, staying present, and assignments and projects given to participants.